Setsubun Weekend 節分

Dreaming of spring

From 3 to 5 February

On February 3rd in Japan the beginning of spring is celebrated with the Setsubun (節分): on this occasion of this festival, people visit the temples to pray and ask for the good fortune of loved ones and buy the beans which will then be used for the famous Mamemaki "bean throwing ceremony" (豆撒き).

During the festival it is also customary to eat a whole Ehomaki with your hands facing in the geographical direction believed to be favorable for that year, which this year falls towards south-southeast (南南東).

The "lucky direction" roll is made up of 7 ingredients to represent the 7 fortune gods (shichifukujin). Regardless of the ingredients chosen, the number must never change and the roll must be packed tightly, to keep all the elements together. they will bring prosperity, health and happiness.

From February 3rd to 5th TENOHA invites you to celebrate this rite with a special Ehomaki Roll for both lunch and dinner compared to a spring taste of Sake.

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